Professional Appraisers Association of South Dakota
The Professional Appraisers Association of South Dakota was formed to provide one organization to represent all appraisers statewide. This organization’s primary objectives are to provide in-state education for appraisers, promote the appraisal profession in South Dakota, and to have a positive influence on the state political environment. Learn More.
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On January 28, 1991 in Pierre, SD fifty-two appraisers attended an organization meeting that resulted in the formation of the Professional Appraisers Association of South Dakota or PAASD. The members recognized a need for one statewide professional appraisers’ organization to represent all appraisers within the state.
The membership represents all disciplines with approximately forty percent in residential, forty percent in agriculture and twenty percent in commercial appraising. Anyone eligible to appraise in South Dakota by virtue of a license from the Department of Labor and Regulation as a registered, licensed, or certified appraiser can be a member. Others interested in belonging can join as associate members. Annual dues are $175.00.
The PAASD governing board consists of a Past-President, President, President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, and Directors representing all areas of the state. The directors are elected to serve a 3-year term. There are four standing committees-Education, Financial, Legislative and Membership.
The primary objectives of the organization continue to be those first identified when PAASD was formed:
- Provide in state education for appraisers.
- Promote the appraisal profession within the state.
- Have a positive influence on the political environment.
Since its formation, PAASD has become recognized within the state as the voice for the appraisal profession. Additional members will enhance this ability to speak for the profession with legislative, banking, and public audiences.