Professional Appraisers Association of South Dakota
The Professional Appraisers Association of South Dakota was formed to provide one organization to represent all appraisers statewide. This organization’s primary objectives are to provide in-state education for appraisers, promote the appraisal profession in South Dakota, and to have a positive influence on the state political environment. Learn More.
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Benefits of Belonging to PAASD
The Professional Appraisers Association of South Dakota (PAASD) offers many benefits to SD appraisers.
In Concert With the SD Chapter of the ASFMRA, PAASD Has Represented SD Appraisers in Front of the South Dakota Legislature:
- Passed 3-Year Statute of Limitations On SD Appraiser’s Civil Liability in 2007
- Passed Laws in 2009 to Prevent Improper Influence on SD Real Estate Appraisers by Mortgage Lenders, Mortgage Brokers, Mortgage Loan Originators, and Real Estate Brokers.
- Defeated Legislation in 2010 to Grant SD Auctioneers an Appraiser License (without Education or Experience)
- Passed Laws in 2011 to Regulate AMCs Operating in SD; Shaped Rules to Define AMC Obligations
- Passed Law in 2011 to Impose a Permanent Injunction Upon Any Person Engaged in an Unlicensed Real Estate Practice in SD
- Defeated Legislation in 2012 to Change the Complaint Process Against SD Appraisers
- Defeated Legislation in 2015 that would have revised certain educational requirements for state-certified residential and state-certified general appraisers.
- Defeated Legislation in 2016 that would have required complaints against appraisers be written and include the name of the person making the complaint.
PAASD Is a Known Force With National Leaders:
- SD’s Congressional delegations (Senators and Representative) meet regularly with PAASD’s leadership about issues and legislation at the Federal level that affects SD appraisers.
- PAASD has joined forces with other state coalitions to back changes that are helpful or to fight changes that are detrimental to the profession
- The Appraisal Foundation (TAF) regularly seeks input from PAASD’s leadership and traveled to SD to speak at the 2018 Annual Meeting
- The Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC) is interested in the opinion of PAASD’s members and traveled to SD to speak at the 2019 PAASD Annual Meeting.
- Freddie Mac often seeks the boots-on-the-ground experiences of PAASD members and traveled to SD to speak at the 2019 PAASD Annual Meeting and at the 2019 PAASD Fall Conference.
PAASD Provides Scholarships for Its Members:
- Denny Wagner Memorial Scholarships Allow SD Appraisers to Attend PAASD CE Courses for $0
- PAASD Professional Development Scholarships Assist SD Appraisers in Upgrading Their Credential or Obtaining a Professional Designation. Since 2013, A total of 27 scholarships at $500 each have been awarded to PAASD Members.
PAASD Has Provided Quality Classroom Education in South Dakota for Over Twenty-Five Years
- January Annual Meeting – Offering 14 hours of Continuing Education
- Fall Conference – Offering 7-hours of Continuing Education
- Trainee/Supervisory Course – Offering When Needed – Usually two to four times a year